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Questions to Consider When Selecting a Medical Waste Management Company

As a commercial waste generator in Idaho, Oregon, or Utah, you remain liable for the safe and compliant transport and disposal of your regulated medical waste. That’s why it’s important to vet your options when selecting a medical waste management partner. You want to feel confident without any concern that your waste transporter and disposal company is following all local, state, and federal regulations that keep you compliant as well. Here are some questions that can help you pick the right partner:

What's the Medical Waste Disposal Method?

When vetting a medical waste management company to partner with, find out how they are processing or treating the waste. Safe disposal methods can include incineration, steam sterilization/autoclave, and other disinfection or inactivation methods. Some waste may require special treatment. Medical waste should never go directly to a landfill without being treated properly first so that any potential infectious or dangerous agents are sterilized.

Any medical waste that goes directly to a landfill without being properly treated first is harmful to the environment and to anyone handling the infectious waste.

Is Staff Properly Trained For Handling Medical Waste?

OSHA safety regulations for those handling potentially infectious waste require frequent training. This generally includes Bloodborne Pathogen training and hazard communications. Maintaining ongoing training is important for workplace safety. Additional training may be required depending on the staff member’s responsibilities and guidelines.

Are the Disposal Containers DOT Approved?

There are regulations about how medical waste can be transported, including the container in which it’s transferred. Many of these regulations are set forth by OSHA for workplace safety practices. Only DOT approved containers can be used to transport medical waste.

How is the Waste Being Transported?

Many states, including Idaho have compliance guidelines for transporting medical waste. Any vehicle transporting waste must comply with DOT’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requirements. That means not just anyone can transport medical waste. The waste transporter must have properly marked and dedicated vehicles.

The medical waste management company should also perform daily safety inspections on their vehicles and be able to respond to emergencies. In Idaho, vehicles transporting waste must also have a hazardous material vehicle permit.

In some states, medical waste management companies must maintain minimum insurance levels.

Is Proper Documentation Maintained?

As a waste generator, you must be able to demonstrate proper transport and disposal of your medical waste. A reliable medical waste management company will always maintain documentation. This should include how it was transported and how it was disposed of. In many states, there are retention periods. Make sure you can access documentation at any time.

A Medical Waste Management Partner Trusted For Over 35 Years

At Larson-Miller, we have been providing safe and environmentally responsible medical waste treatment and disposal for over 35 years. We take pride in lineage of dedication and experience in providing a safe medical waste disposal method for our communities using autoclave technology. We are the trusted medical waste disposal partner throughout Idaho, Utah, and Oregon with a flawless compliance record always adhering to all local, state, and federal regulatory regulations to keep our communities and the environment safe. Contact us today to discuss how we can partner to help manage your medical waste, (208) 323-7272 or (801) 738-6545.

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